Commercial Playground Equipment and Amenities

A School Supply Distributor firm for over 85 years, Latta’s School Furnishings & Playgrounds has evolved from a School Supply Company, to a manufacturer distributer providing integrated learning environments.

Ages 6-23 Months

Lots of activities in a compact, economical design with age appropriate panels built to meet ASTM F2373 Safety Standards.

Ages 2-5 Years

When allowed to create, children can access their creativity and innovative spirits. This facilitates academic achievement by boosting memory, math, reading, and language skills.

Ages 5-12 Years

Our product offering sensory tables can hold sand, water, small toys and other fine motor play materials.

Site Amenities

Playground products are about more than just the play stations themselves; you need to think about the parents, friends, and bystanders. For playgrounds to truly impact the community they must be fun and comfortable for everyone.


Commercial Fabric Shade Structures

Shade structures add a distinctive, cool look to your play or recreation space. They also keep the space cool and comfortable. Our shade products block up to 97% of the sun’s harmful UV rays, providing protection for both playground equipment and the people who use it. Our shade also cools the covered area by up to 25º (14ºC) making it more enjoyable for children and families.

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